- 13+ Server
- AJTubers Plushies
- AJ Designer
- A kingdom of WInter
- Aardvark
- Adventure Saving
- Adventures (Play Wild)
- Adventurous: Animal Jam Series
- African Penguin
- African Wild Dog
- Aftermath Of Peace
- Air-Element Mystic Animals
- Airplane Den
- Alastair
- Albatross
- Alcida
- Alicorn
- Alien Items
- Allosaurus
- Alpaca
- Alpha Camp
- Alpha Costumes
- Alpha Features
- Alpha Histories
- Alpha Set
- Alpha Training Update
- Alpha Visits
- Alpha plushies
- Amanita
- Amee
- Anaconda
- Ancient Jungle Party
- Angler's Den
- Animal Abilities
- Animal Action Customization
- Animal Jam: 3DS / 2DS / DS
- Animal Jam: Nintendo Switch Edition
- Animal Jam: The Movie
- Animal Jam: The Series
- Animal Jam 2
- Animal Jam Basketball
- Animal Jam Fanon Wiki
- Animal Jam Maker for Nintendo Wii U
- Animal Jam Updates That Should Really Happen
- Animal Paint
- Animal jam animating
- Animal jam x angry birds
- Anonani
- Anteater
- Antelope
- Apatosaurus
- Appalon
- Aquarium Den
- Arctic Cafe
- Arctic Fox
- Arctic Party
- Arctic waters
- Arlurla
- Armadillo
- Arrow
- ArticCoyote
- Ash Tree
- Ashlands
- Asteroid Puddle
- Auction House
- Auditorium Den
- Australian shepherd
- Autumn Woodlands
- Axel
- Axolotl
- Aye-Aye
- Babirusa
- Baboon
- Baby Phantom Pet
- Baby Switch
- Badger
- Balloon Armor
- Balloosh
- Barn Owl
- Baryonyx
- Basilisk Lizard
- Battleground
- Beach Bargains
- Beach Hut Den
- Beach Rose Armor
- Beach Rose Bushes
- Beagle
- Bearded Dragon
- Bearded Vulture
- Bearded dragons
- Beaver
- Bed
- Beech Tree
- Beehive Den
- Beluga Whale
- Beneath the Ice
- Berner (bernese mountain dog)
- Berry Trouble
- Best Dressed (Aquatic AJPW)
- Beta Icon
- Binturong
- Birch Tree
- Bird of Paradise
- Birthday Gift
- Birthstone Palace
- Bison
- Black-Headed Gull
- Black Bear
- Blade
- Blaze
- Blobfish
- Bloomin Trees Bundle
- Blossom Creek
- Blue
- Blue's Secrets
- Blue & Broken Stars
- Blue Heron
- Blurry Wallpaper
- Boar
- Bobcat
- Bomber Phantom
- Bongo
- Book master
- Border collie
- Box of Mushrooms
- Bramble The Owl
- Breeding animals
- Brick Armor
- Broadleaf
- Broken Stars
- Bull
- Bunny Burrow Den
- Burger Parlor Collection
- Butterflies
- Cake Slice Hat
- Calamiseeds
- Camel
- Campfire
- Camping Set
- Canary
- Candy Mall
- Captain Bolt
- Captain Squidy
- Captain Stern
- Capybara
- Caracal
- Caribou
- Carrot Patch
- Cat
- Catfish
- Cats Only Party
- Cave den
- Celebration of Spring
- Ceratosaurus
- Chameleon
- Changyuraptor
- Chanterelle
- Cheetah Run
- Cheetahs only party
- Chevrotain
- Chicken
- Chinchilla
- Chinese Dragon
- Chinese New Year Kung Fu Gear
- Chinese New Year Party 2017
- Chipmunk
- Chomper Plant Garden Patch
- Chuck (Alpha)
- Chupacabra
- Circus Party
- Cirrus City
- Civet
- Click-Out!
- Climbing Animals
- Clothes Designer
- Clothing Items Bag
- Cloud Castles
- Cloud Den
- Cloud Forest
- Cloud Township
- Cloud jumper (dragon)
- Clover
- Clydesdale Leg Fur
- Co-op decorating
- Coati
- Cobra Flap
- Cockatiel
- Colorful Plains
- Combat Plus Update
- Comet
- Condor
- Conical Cave
- Cooking and Potion Brewing
- Copycat Week
- Corrupted Animals
- Costume Party
- Cotton Candy Machine
- Cougar
- Cow
- Coyote
- Crafting
- Crafting Bench
- Crane
- Creativity Station
- Crocodile Hat
- Crooked Tooth
- Crossover Armor
- Crossover update ( update idea )
- Crow
- Crowned Cranes
- Crypt Desert
- Crystal Cavern den
- Crystal Tundra
- Culpeo
- Cure Lizzie Anne: The Series (Animal Jam Version)
- Custom Shops
- Customization Plus Update
- Dark Vial
- Deep Heights
- Deers-Only Party
- Deinocheirus
- Den Decorating Plus Update
- Den Items Bag
- Den NPCs
- Den Neighborhoods
- Den Packages
- Den names
- Desert Village Den
- Deserted Rails
- Design a Den
- Dewberry
- Dhole
- Diamond Shop police hat
- Dimetrodon
- Dingo
- Dinosaur Party
- Disasters
- Diseases
- Display Case
- Dive Bomb
- Divinia
- Dodo Bird
- Dog
- Donkey
- Dove
- Dragon
- Dragon (remade)
- Dragon`s Store
- Dress Up Plushie
- Dress it up!
- Duck (Animal)
- Dunkleosteus
- Dwarf Rabbit
- Eagles Only Party
- Earl and Pearl
- Earl and Pearl's Hattery
- Earth-Element Mystic Animals
- Eat!
- Echo
- Edger
- Eel
- Electric Dragon Hat
- Element Armor
- Emperor Penguin
- Emu
- Enchanted Meadows
- Environmental Sounds
- Erythrosuchus
- Escape from Phantom Isle
- Eskimo Seas
- Essences
- Estate Rush
- Expander
- Expedition Adventures
- Explorer's Armor
- Explorer's Armor Set
- Explorer's Head Armor
- Explorer's Leg Armor
- Explorer's Neck Armor
- Explorer's Tail Armor
- Falcon
- Fall Scarf
- Fallen Peck Earring
- Fancy Monocle and Beard
- Fantasy Armor
- Favorites
- Feather Headdress
- Felines Only Party
- Fennec Fox
- Feral Flames
- Feral Jamaa
- Ferret
- Fighting the Phantom Queen
- Fire-Element Mystic Animals
- Fire Armor
- Fire Vial
- Fish Armor Set
- Fishing Cat Catch
- Flag Maker
- Flamboyant Fabrics
- Flamingo
- Flight of The Phantoms
- Floating Balloon
- Floating Chair
- Floating Waterfall
- Flowering Crabapple Tree
- Fluffy Winter Hat
- Flute
- Flying Beyond Jamaa
- Flying Squirrel
- Food Tower
- Forest Party
- Forest cave den
- Forgotten Valley
- Fortune Cookie
- Fossa
- Fox Tail
- Foxes Only Party
- Friendly Zombie
- Friendship Gecko Plushie
- Friendship Levels
- Friendship Plaque
- Frigid
- Frilled-neck Lizard
- Frog
- Frogs
- Frost Coins
- Frozen Couch
- Fruit Bat
- Fruit Wallpaper
- Furious Dragon Statue
- Garden
- Gazelle
- Geckos
- Gem Armor Set
- Gem Necklace
- Gemsbok
- Geode Den
- Geographic Month
- Gharial
- Ghost Amulet
- Ghost Armor Set
- Ghost Gauntlets
- Ghost Mask