Animal Jam Fanon Wiki

Animal Abilities are abilities unique to some animals or two, and are only used in adventures. Usually, they appear on the player's toolbar and have a little icon that enables the ability when clicked on. This can have a few advantages. Here's all of them!

Cheetah's Dash[]

The icon would have a lightning bolt, and would boost the player twice their average speed for 30 seconds. However, the ability would also have a cooldown, which lasts for 2 minutes, so use your time wisely!

Flight Whirl[]

This ability is available for flying animals only, and its icon would consist of a tornado. The animal would have a new animation in which they roll while flying. It boosts their speed and moves the player 5 inches. This also has a 2-minute cooldown.


This is only available for the Inkling Phantom, and its icon has the bat form of the animal. It would change your appearance to a random form, and lasts for 2 minutes.

Fox's Dig[]

This is an ability available for the Fox, Arctic Fox, and Fennec Fox. Its icon has a mini-fox digging a hole. The fox will do its play action until to dives underground. The hole magically covers up in soil, and you are able to avoid things above. However, this only lasts to 2 minutes.


Available for only the panda, its icon resists of a bandana-wearing panda holding a bamboo stick in its paws. When clicking on it, a bandana appears with your panda wearing it, and some bullseyes appear on some nearby phantoms. Clicking on a phantom will let your panda attack it with a long bamboo stick, alongside a new animation. After that, the bandana on your panda disappears.

Bunny's Hop[]

A bunny/rabbit ability, when you move, the more stamina you get. The symbol is a not-so-detailed bunny jumping into the sky. When clicked, it will enable you to jump into the sky and fall down, skipping part of the adventure and also doing a lot of damage to the phantoms.
