Animal Jam Fanon Wiki

Long ago in the BETA of Animal Jam, few lucky jammers got to see an in-game "Alpha" or "Shaman" as they were called. Now, in present Animal Jam, you can experience the magic of Alpha Visits once more!

Basic Information[]

Any alpha, from the minor ones to the major ones, both underwater and land, can appear for thirty minutes in any room or land then disappear. This can happen three times a day.

You get an achievement for the alpha that you saw, and if it is the first time you are seeing one you also get an "Alpha" achievement.

Clicking on an alpha will give you a small bit of dialog, then then they will ask if you want to go on a Quest. You can either accept or decline. Each alpha has their own quest, and only one prize that is different for each alpha.

Alpha Dens[]

You can go to any alpha's den by going to the epic dens list. There is a button under AJHQ's den called "Alpha Dens" click on it, and you can see the list of alpha names to go to their dens. If you are lucky, one might even be home! Each one has clickable items in it, that, when clicked, information about it will pop up.
