"I don't know WHEN or IF we will see Greely again, but one thing is certain: he is a HERO." ~Cosmo
When you are a certain animal, you can only buy your animal's alpha's clothing and can't equip it on other animals. Ex.: If you're a fox, you can only buy Amelia's special clothing for alpha clothing. You can equip it for other foxes, but you can't equip it on other animals. If you try to equip the item on a tiger or so, a message will pop up and read: Oops! You can't equip that clothing on that animal. Take note that this item is a diamond shop item and nonmembers can buy the nonmember animal alpha clothing. The following alpha clothing will be nonmember:
Liza's belt
Cosmo's hat
Sir Gilbert's cape
Peck's paintbrush
Greely's collar
Graham's safety goggles
Harper's face markings (underwater)
Marco's feathers (underwater)
Calypso's spikes (underwater)
The rest will be member:
Amelia's bracelets
Juno's staff
Olive's earrings
Atlas' head markings
Sophia's mane
Boomer's eye patches
Valentina's wings
Jade's markings
Edmund's patches
Biff's fur
Sigurd's antlers
Ruby's horns
Hudson's tail
Felicity's fangs
Cornelius' mouth
Otto's trunk
LaSalle's ears
Barrett's size
Avalon's horns
Andy's beard
And the member underwater animals!
Tavie's guitar
Drake's compass
Victor's headband
1.) When you click on your animal wearing the item, something special happens to it. Ex.: When you tap on your panda with Liza's belt on, your panda will leave a flowery trail. Sometimes, you can do a special action.
2.) This will all cost 2 diamonds for nonmember items. All member items will cost 3 diamonds.
3.) At some point, a Mira and Zios version of this item will show. Mira's wings and Zios' wings. (Yes, Zios is a heron.)